Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Woods Behind Me

The Woods Behind Me
Short Story
By: Gustavo Calvo
“Who are you?”
“I am nobody, but I am everything”
“Are you Satan?”
“I am confused”
“I am the void, I exist and I don’t”
“You are God?”
“Neither; I am the one who forms cohesion between everything, between your world and the nothingness”
“Why are you showing in front of me?”
“You are one of the few who can see me”
“Like I am woke?”
“No, that is just pure bullshit; is much as you know I exist and I acknowledge your existence; we understand each other beyond words”
“I understand”
“There is a moment in life, where you realize how fragile everything is; such as this moment, you are here laying on the side of tree. Enjoying this peace and quiet before oblivion comes”
“Death seems to be serene as a presence, but you are quite understanding into talking about the essence of being”
“Death is not as merciful as you think”
“I assume you know they”
“Death wasn’t the one who caused you this; instead you decided to embrace them”
“I wanted to call Death…”
“You became an emissary of they, by embracing your own mortality”
“I couldn’t keep up; now I am fighting to move or breath…”
“Just close your eyes and become one with I”
“One with one of the Elders of the Universe?”
“You can ascend…”
“I have to be hallucinating due the loss of blood”

“No, you are not” The Void became again ethereal and absorbed him; the wind on the top of the trees started to how as if the agony was reaching is peak. His body was left behind near the willow and he became one with the nothingness.

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